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Generator fire Suppression System

Blazeut Fire Suppression Systems for Generators


Blazeut Fire Suppression Systems for Diesel and Gasoline Generators with Automatic Engine Shutdown Capabilities


Blazecut Tubular Fire Suppression Systems offer the ES Heavy Duty Fire Protection Series. The integrated pressure switch monitors the pressure and sends a signal in case the pressure drops under a pre-set value or the system discharges in the event of a fire.

The unique construction of the T Series system allows you to connect to the optional pressure switch which monitors the pressure inside the BlazeCut Tube. Once the system is discharged the pressure switch sends a signal to a signaling unit or to an external device to perform other safety operations (e.g. disconnect the power or shut down the engine).


The Blazecut Model needed will depend on the interior cabinet cubic foot of needed protection space. Activation Temperature 212F 

Blazecut T300ES - Maximum 36 cubic ft. Tube 10.5' in Length

Blazecut T400ES - Maximum 49 cubic ft.  Tube is 14.0' in Length

Blazecut T500ES - Maximum 61 cubic ft.  Tube is 17.5' in Length

Blazecut T600ES - Maximum 73 cubic ft.  Tube is 20.5 in Length

Blazecut T700ES - Maximum 92 cubic ft. 

BLazecut T800ES - Maximum 108 cubic ft. 


Alarms, Wire and other Accessories are on our Main Blazecut Page

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